Accessories Orbita Bergamo 40 watchwinder
f6f5473f40856c26d99cc9b299990e3068093b91 2024-04-10T20:08:27.085Z /orbita-bergamo-40-watchwinder$59,995
Pre-Owned Estate Jewelry Watchwinder Details
Now you see them, now you don’t. Keep as many as forty automatic watches fully wound and have them on display or completely hidden from view. The elegant Italian-made cabinet houses a remote controlled motorized lift mechanism that raises and lowers the complete watch winder system on command. Using our patented Rotorwind Technology, individual units turn on every 10/15 minutes; make one revolution, then swing back and forth, mimicking the natural action of the wrist. Even in the lowered position, watches continue to be wound. Glass doors provide no hint of what lies behind the false mirrored panel inside.

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