Sterling Silver Flatware "ROMANCE OF THE SEA" Sterling Silver flatware set patented in 1950 by Wallace. 8 Place setting for 12 (4 are for 24) + 6 serving pieces. 165 pieces total. LUNCH & DINNER SET.
a628efca9c403e14e710c74320187465f0c79530 2024-04-10T19:35:47.004Z /n506409-romance-of-the-sea-sterling-silver-flEst. Retail Price $16,590
/ 29% Off Retail
$11,750 SALE
Pre-Owned Estate Jewelry Sterling Silver Details
"ROMANCE OF THE SEA" Sterling Silver flatware set patented in 1950 by Wallace. Over 294 troy ounces of .925 sterling silver, (counting all stainless steel blade pieces as 1.00 ounce troy, butter knife as 0.50 troy ounce each). Fabulous complete (Lunch & Dinner) 8 Place setting for 12 (4 place set are for 24, see description) with 6 serving pieces- PLACE SETTING: 12 dinner knife (9 3.4")- 12 dinner fork (7 3/4")- 12 place knife (9")- 16 place fork (7 1/4")- 24 salad fork (6 1/2")- 24 soup spoon (6")- 24 tea spoon (6")- 24 butter knife (6 1/4")- 12 oyster fork (5 1/2")- SERVING PIECES: table spoon (8 3/4")- Slotted table spoon (8 1/2")- Gravy ladle (6 3/4")- Salad set (fork & spoon 9")- Pie server (11")-

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